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Gen AI quick checklist

If you are deciding on whether and how to use Gen AI tools, you may find the quick checklists below helpful.

For all taught students and postgraduate researchers:

  • I have checked the assessment brief or have spoken to my tutor or supervisor and can confirm that use of Gen AI is not prohibited for my assessment type.
  • I have reviewed the Academic Integrity principles to help me avoid unintentional plagiarism.
  • I have understood the risks and limitations of using Gen AI, including a recognition of issues of bias, sensitivity, accuracy, appropriate content and ethical issues.
  • I have considered how the Gen AI tool will use the data I input (including checking the terms and conditions and privacy policy) and have chosen an appropriate Gen AI tool for my task.
  • I have checked and critically reviewed any quotations, citations or outputs that the Gen AI tool has generated.
  • I have not submitted any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to a Gen AI tool.
  • I have ensured that no part of my assessment copies or paraphrases Gen AI outputs without acknowledgement.
  • I have ensured that my assignment / research remains my own work.
  • I have appropriately referenced the use of Gen AI tools in my work.
  • I have saved copies of Gen AI outputs used in preparing my assessment. These copies may be asked to be provided as an appendix to my assessment or as part of any misconduct process.
  • I sought help from my tutors or the Library’s Learning Development Team when I was unsure about use of Gen AI or needed further guidance.

Additionally, for postgraduate researchers only:

  • I have spoken to my supervisors about how I would like to use Gen AI tools in my research process and this has been agreed and documented in the supervision meeting records in GRAD
  • I have completed the PGR Academic Integrity ‘Essentials’ and ‘Advanced’ tutorials
  • I have reviewed the PGR Proof-reading policy and guidance and have ensured that the work I submit follows these principles
  • I have checked that sharing of content with Gen AI tools is consistent with guidelines for the handling of material in any contractual agreements with individual sponsors (if relevant) and accrediting bodies.
  • I have considered whether my use of Gen AI tools conforms to the University of Leeds ethics review regulations, including where necessary by engaging with the ethics review processes and I have received a positive response to my ethical review application.
  • I have checked that sharing of content with Gen AI tools is consistent with my ethics review approval (if relevant)
  • I have read and will follow the Gen AI Guidance for taught students for any work I submit as part of any taught modules.

Please note that these checklists are not exhaustive. They provide a framework for ensuring good academic practice is followed when using Gen AI tools.